High School Outing to

SMSV’s Community Outreach Night

Location : St Maurice and St Verena (SMSV) 3300 Hwy 7, Markham, ON L3R 5N9
Date/Time:  Friday, September 13, 2024 from 6:00pm-11:00pm

STGR High School Youth group is joining SMSV’s Community Outreach Night on Friday September 13.

We have a limited number of space for rides and we encourage you to get a ride to SMSV on your own, however for those requiring a ride from STGR, please be at STGR by 6pm.

If you can meet us at SMSV, you can arrive between 6:30-7pm. Please message a servant once you’ve arrived.

We’ll be returning to STGR by 11:00pm, God willing

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