High School Volunteering

Location : Good Shepherd Ministries  (412 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M5A 1T3)
Date/Time:  Second Saturday of Every Month at 12:45 pm

Meetup:  St George and St Rueiss (141 Bond Ave, North York, ON M3B 1M1) at 12:45 pm
Return: St George and St Rueiss (141 Bond Ave, North York, ON M3B 1M1) at 4:45 pm


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Date of Birth
Volunteer Terms

Your group is scheduled to volunteer at Good Shepherd Ministries, a men’s homeless shelter in downtown Toronto which offers basic needs to the homeless and disadvantaged with an ultimate  goal of finding clients safe, comfortable, and affordable housing.  

What to expect when you arrive:  

- COVID screening, provide proof of full vaccination status (2 doses) when requested

- introduction to Good Shepherd Ministries  

- a secure closet to lock up your personal belongings e.g. coat, backpacks  

How you will volunteer:  

- sort non-perishable food items  

- assist with kitchen/meal preparation  

What we ask of you: 

- Be respectful of all clients, staff and volunteers at the Centre. The Centre has no tolerance for  discriminating against; ridiculing or intimidating clients, staff or other volunteers. Student  volunteers may not leave the Centre grounds during the duration of their volunteer  experience.  

- Always wear closed-toe shoes – rubber soles preferred.  

Volunteer Requirements:  

- Volunteers are required to be a minimum of 13 years old.

- All volunteers (or volunteer groups) are required to sign-in and sign-out at every shift to allow  staff to track all persons in the building in the case of fire or evacuation. Sign-in is also useful in keeping track of volunteer hours for verification; however, volunteers are also responsible to track their own hours.  

Thank you for giving back to the community by helping the homeless and disadvantaged. We  look forward to your visit!